For decades, Leonard Leo has worked from the shadows to end abortion access at all levels of government and leave millions without access to critical reproductive care.

Using the wealth of groups like DonorsTrust —  the “dark money ATM of the right” —  Leo has bankrolled many leading conservative groups waging war against Americans’ reproductive rights and abortion access. His crowning achievement: playing a catalytic role in the nominations of all six conservative justices currently serving on the Supreme Court — and their consequent overturning of Roe v. Wade. 

As Leo’s influence grows, so does the threat to our fundamental rights. The next item on his anti-choice to-do list? Ending critical access to medication abortion, which currently makes up the majority of abortions performed across the United States. Just this month, Leo enjoyed his first bit of victory when a U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals panel agreed to restrict access to the drug

Notably, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals – aka the “Trumpiest court in America” –  is composed of extremist judges who have been highly involved with Leo’s Federalist Society for the past three decades — including the three deciding judges, Judges James Ho, Cory Wilson, and Jennifer Elrod.

Even beyond the deciding panel, Leo’s fingerprints have been all over this case from the very beginning. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the anti-choice dark-money group that helped overturn Roe and brought the initial case before the court, has accepted thousands from Leo-linked DonorsTrust. Meanwhile, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, the Trump-appointed Texas judge who gave the initial ruling, has his own ties to Leo’s Federalist Society. 

ADF isn’t the only Leo-linked group behind the movement to ban the abortion pill. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and Students for Life of America, two powerful anti-choice organizations in Leo’s network, are on the record attacking the FDA’s decision to permit pharmacies to distribute the pills. 

It’s no secret why Leonard Leo is pulling strings behind closed doors. Just like his ongoing efforts to undermine our democracy, kneecap environmental protections, and capture the Supreme Court, Leo’s mission to end Americans’ access to abortion is both dangerous and unpopular. While the 5th Circuit’s extremist decision has no immediate effect on the availability of mifepristone, if the Supreme Court upholds it in the coming months, it could gravely restrict women’s access to safe, legal abortion across the country. 

Read more about Leo and other right-wing activists attempting to undermine democracy and implement their extreme agenda by visiting

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