In today’s highly-charged and divisive political environment, Americans value fairness and honesty and stand against conservative extremism.
There is a concerning trend of far-right extremist organizations that are spreading anti-democratic misinformation. These groups are financially supported by ultra-conservative megadonors who prioritize their own interests over the greater good of our democracy. This poses a serious threat to our civil rights, liberties, and the very fabric of our society.
Unfortunately, these groups and their allies hold significant sway in Washington, as well as in state and local legislatures across the country. They are pushing their radical and unpopular agenda through various channels, including the Supreme Court, the MAGA House majority, and extreme state and local lawmakers.
However, we are committed to exposing the connections between these powerful players and the policymakers who carry out their bidding. Our goal is to shed light on the shadowy interests and individuals behind the far-right movement.
Exposing Extremist Groups and the Mega-Donors Behind Them
Politically motivated organizations that spread falsehoods and misinformation are quietly funded by mega-donors whose self-serving agendas undermine our democracy, civil rights and liberties, and the fabric of our society.
We reveal the connections between these power players and the policymakers who do their bidding and confront them with their attempts to misinform Americans by fighting back with facts.