This press release was originally posted through Western Values Project. Western Values Project is now Accountable.US.

The Trump administration is, very thankfully, on the way out the door.  But in its one four year term alone, it managed to accrue the WORST conservation, environmental, and public lands record in modern history.

The team here at the Western Values Project has put together the following list of all the attacks this outgoing White House has made on our environment and public lands.

Donald Trump and the extremist, anti-conservation, and anti-Climate Science people he appointed to preside over our Interior Department, Bureau of Land Management, and national parks will very soon be gone. But we’ve put together this list because the damage they have done will unfortunately linger and be left to the new Biden administration to correct. And we can never let it happen again in the future:

  • Made significant cuts to the borders of two national monuments in Utah and recommended border and resource-management changes to several more.
  • Lifted an Obama-era freeze on new coal leases on public lands.
  • Finalized a plan to open up part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska for oil and gas development
  • Lifted a Clinton-era ban on logging and road construction in Tongass National Forest, Alaska
  • Approved construction of the Dakota Access pipeline
  • Rescinded water pollution regulations for fracking on federal and Indian lands.
  • Loosened offshore drilling safety regulations implemented by the Obama after following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill
  • Prevent the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from assessing and providing additional protections for Sage Grouse


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