After months of delay, the Supreme Court will today hear oral arguments in Trump v. United States concerning the bounds of presidential immunity. Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone released the following statement:

The mere fact that the Supreme Court took up this case — when an appeals court has already made clear that no one is above the law, and where there is absolutely no legal precedent — is in itself a political act. Further, the high court’s consideration of this case is a symptom of its corruption crisis, which has been ongoing for decades. The same Justices caught accepting lavish perks from their wealthy benefactors without facing consequences appear to want to keep Trump from facing the consequences of his involvement in the January 6th attack. Conflicted Justices are seemingly working to serve the interests of the billionaire benefactors who serve them — and throwing everyday Americans under the bus. We will keep exposing corrupt, unaccountable Justices to prevent them from doing anything more to help corrupt, unaccountable former officeholders.”

Accountable.US previously endorsed the Supreme Court Ethics Recusal and Transparency Act (SCERT Act) and the Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act, both critical steps toward Supreme Court accountability. Accountable.US previously spearheaded a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts rallying over 40 watchdog and accountability organizations demanding he ensure conflicted justices recuse themselves from key cases.

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