A new disclosure first published today by the Center for Media and Democracy revealed a $1 million donation from Leonard Leo’s Concord Fund to the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA). While Leo’s network has long been RAGA’s top donor, RAGA members recently stepped up their defense of Leo with an unusually aggressive letter threatening DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb, who is actively investigating Leo’s opaque network.

Earlier this year, an Accountable.US analysis revealed that Marble Freedom Trust – the shadowy organization at the center of Leo’s $1.6 billion dark money network – nearly doubled its contributions to the Concord Fund. Today’s finding provides new insights into how Leo distributes that money across the right-wing ecosystem to protect his interests and further his broader agenda – one that attempts to shift the judiciary and government at every level further to the right. 

Leonard Leo is using his dark money slush fund to bankroll far-right attorneys general all over the country as they do his bidding. Whether it's an attempt to erode reproductive rights, eliminate consumer and environmental protections, or cover up Leo’s alleged self-dealings, RAGA is at the center of Leo’s effort to evade scrutiny and remake America in line with his extreme agenda.”

Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone

The Concord Fund is regularly the top donor to RAGA, and has pumped over $17 million into the organization since 2014. Accountable.US recently identified a contribution from the Concord Fund to the nonprofit of RAGA member Lynn Fitch, Mississippi attorney general and a signatory on the unusual letter to AG Schwalb in Leo’s defense.

The new disclosure also shows significant funding flowing into RAGA from far-right donors including Koch Industries and hedge fund manager Paul Singer, a longtime GOP mega donor who hosted a luxury vacation for Justice Samuel Alito and Leo and later had business before the Supreme Court. Singer’s conduct is also under investigation as part of the Senate Judiciary probe.

Learn more about Leonard Leo’s dark money network of nonprofit groups and their funders at LeonardLeo.org.


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