Washington, D.C. — Today during a hearing on “domestic and international energy price trends” in the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources, government watchdog Accountable.US released a new research report showing that hearing witness Robert Bryce, a fossil-fuel funded writer, has spent years dismissing green solutions to climate change while pushing fossil fuels. The research also exposes the hypocrisy of Sen. John Barrasso, the committee’s ranking member, who blames President Biden for high retail gas prices despite blaming supply and demand for the same issue during the Bush administration.

“Americans looking to this hearing for answers about the high cost of retail gas will find hypocrisy and special interest-backed rhetoric instead,” said Kyle Herrig, president of Accountable.US. “Rather than attempting to score cheap political points or make their benefactors in the oil and gas industry even richer, the Senate should get serious about holding the industry accountable for raking in record profits while American consumers pay skyrocketing prices at the pump.”

Big Oil and its allies are blaming President Biden for increased retail gas prices while simultaneously boasting about record-breaking profits that it uses for stock buybacks and showering investors with billions of dollars rather than passing savings onto American consumers.

Read the full research report.


  • Robert Bryce is a writer who has made a career out of rejecting green energy solutions while working for the climate denying Manhattan Institute.
  • Sen. Barrasso says high gasoline prices are President Biden’s fault, but he had a more nuanced view when prices spiked during the Bush administration.



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