Press Releases
Trump Upset Patients Blame Him for Inaction, Big Pharma Allies in Admin Plan “More Meetings”
President Trump’s prescription drug meltdown comes as new data shows prescription drug costs continue to rise and following news that pharmaceutical companies are once again jacking up their prices for 2020
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Patients Over Pharma released the following statement following reports that President Trump “berated” his Secretary of Health and Human Services and former Big Pharma executive Alex Azar over polling showing that people across the country understand that the Trump Administration hasn’t done anything to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. According to Politico, “Trump’s outburst sent White House staff scrambling to convene a meeting on drug pricing this morning with potentially more to come.”
“President Trump can’t expect credit for solving something that he’s only made worse,” said Patients Over Pharma spokesman Eli Zupnick. “President Trump filled his Administration with Big Pharma lobbyists and executives who have done absolutely nothing as prescription drug costs continued to skyrocket, so he shouldn’t be surprised that people blame him for the lack of progress.
“Patients across the country don’t want more White House meetings or empty political rhetoric, they want policymakers to take real action to help them pay less for their prescription drugs and end Big Pharma gouging. If President Trump wants ‘credit’ for keeping his promise to reduce the cost of prescription drugs then he should reverse course, stand up to Big Pharma and their allies in Congress and his Administration, and support the House-passed Lower Drug Costs Now Act.”
Patients Over Pharma, a project of Accountable.US, is focused on exposing the deep ties between the Trump Administration and the pharmaceutical industry, the revolving door between Big Pharma and the federal government, and how this corruption in Congress and the administration is hurting patients and their families.