Press Releases
At Least 21 Former GOP Operatives Involved with Groups That Planned January 6th “Stop the Steal” Rally
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Government watchdog Accountable.US released the third in a series of reports on “Subsidizing Sedition”, a project focused on exposing those who aided and abetted the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. The new report found that at least 21 key members of the groups that helped plan the “Stop the Steal” rally leading to the Capitol riot have been Republican party operatives and/or Trump surrogates, nine of whom worked directly for Donald Trump and members of his administration. The report comes as prominent Republican members of Congress and state Republican parties have claimed that “antifa” and the left were behind the assault on the Capitol, calling it a “false flag.”
The revolving door between mainstream Republicans and the right-wing, corporate-backed groups involved in the deadly events at the Capitol may explain why virtually every Republican in Congress is desperate to forgive and forget. The web of influence behind the insurrection is indistinguishable from the mainstream conservative movement. It's no wonder the alleged moderates on the Hill are afraid of biting the hands that feed them despite the public outcry for accountability.”
Kyle Herrig, President of Accountable.US
Among the key findings of the new report: One of the most aggressive “Stop the Steal” movement organizers was Rule of Law Defense Fund — an arm of the Republican Attorney Generals Association (RAGA) – which made robocalls driving bodies and would-be seditionists to a march on the Capitol the day before the deadly insurrection. Adam Piper, RAGA’s former Executive Director who “spearheaded” the RLDF and resigned following the riots, was a South Carolina GOP official, and a senior staffer for Mike Huckabee and Jon Huntsman’s presidential campaigns. And Lee Russell, RAGA CFO and former RLDF treasurer, was a longtime staffer with stints at major GOP campaign committees such as the NRSC and the Republican State Leadership Committee as well as the Mississippi State Republican Party.
In the coming days, Accountable.US’s “Subsidizing Sedition” project will continue to release new reports on the corporations, elected officials, political groups, and others closely associated with the movement that led to the attempted insurrection, by following the money and social media trail wherever it leads. It is clear the heinous attacks were not a spontaneous incident led by random right-wing extremists but rather a coordinated effort years in the making by major conservative donors, corporations, and others benefitting from radicalization. The project will continue to spotlight donors to those entities that helped to incite the seditious events — from corporations to wealthy family foundations — and showcase how years of aid from those operating in mainstream conservative circles encouraged and supported dangerous rhetoric and actions that fueled the hateful, anti-Semitic, white nationalist groups who sought to undermine democracy.