Corporate Anti-Democracy Donations Database
This database allows users to explore campaign contributions from Fortune 100 companies and their key employees to state and federal legislators who have supported anti-democracy efforts. Please note that Fortune 100 companies without corporate PAC or key employee donations will not appear in this database.
To filter the data, you can:
- Search for a specific lawmaker, company, or state
- Use the 6 contribution-type filters
By clicking the box next to each filter, you can change which data is shown:
- ✔ Only contributions that meet this criteria are included
- ⬜️ Contributions that meet this criteria are removed; contributions that appear in multiple filters will not populate if the checkbox is empty
- ➖ This filter is not currently active; contributions related to this criteria are shown when all filters are inactive
By default, all checkbox filters are set to ➖. To return to this once you’ve changed it, right-click on the filter and select ‘Reset.’
The 3 visualizations display the data in different ways:
- The pie chart shows the total amount of money contributed to state and federal lawmakers by Corporate PACs and key employees of each Fortune 100 company.
- The map shows the total amount contributed by Corporate PACs and key employees of Fortune 100 companies to lawmakers from each state.
- The table shows the actual contribution data. To export and explore it on your own: hover on the table, click the 3 dots ‘More’ menu, select ‘Export,’ and choose your export format.
Click here for full database instructions.
The FEC data included on this site was aggregated using candidates’ quarterly FEC reports. Contributions from corporations to candidates were pulled from each report’s Schedule A filings (Itemized Receipts).
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