Press Releases
Once Again, Corporations Backtrack on Promises to Support Democracy After January 6th
Washington, D.C. — New reporting from the Washington Post reveals that the Republicans in Congress have amassed “significant support” this year from Fortune 500 companies, including companies that had suspended giving after the insurrection. The Post reports companies including Valero Energy resumed funding “including to lawmakers who objected to certifying the election.” The report follows a recent Accountable.US analysis of Federal Election Commission (FEC) campaign filings from Fortune 500 companies and corporate trade associations showing that they donated over $630,000 in September alone to members of the “Sedition Caucus” in Congress — bringing the 2021 total to over $5.8 million.
Corporations can’t keep masquerading as defenders of democracy so long as they prop up the very politicians scheming to disenfranchise millions of voters of color. CEOs must actually abide by the values they’ve espoused, or at least stop lying to the public about what they really care about — cultivating political influence at any cost. Companies will find continued efforts to deceive their customers and shareholders will have diminishing returns for their bottom lines and reputations.”
Kyle Herrig, president of Accountable.US
In August, Accountable.US launched its searchable tracker that allows the public to search Fortune 500 corporations and big corporate trade associations that have contributed to those in Congress that voted against certifying the 2020 election since January of this year — including corporations that made pledges to halt or pause donations to the lawmakers that perpetuated the Big Lie.
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