WASHINGTON, DC – In a statement attached to today’s Supreme Court orders, Justice Samuel Alito arrogantly refused to recuse himself from Moore v. United States, a case in which the Court is set to preemptively invalidate the “billionaire’s tax.” Senate Judiciary Democrats called for Alito’s recusal following the Justice’s inflammatory Wall Street Journal interview with attorney David Rivkin, who represents the pro-billionaire Moore plaintiffs as well as conservative moneyman Leonard Leo.

Justice Alito’s brazen disregard for ethics standards and arrogant belief that he exists above the law is just the latest in the Supreme Court’s ethics crisis. Billionaire benefactors continue to pull the strings of our nation’s highest Court — and the case for urgent reform has never been stronger. We need accountability now,” said Accountable.US spokesperson Yael Sheinfeld.

Moore could provide a major windfall for the very billionaire benefactors who helped Alito and Thomas upgrade their lifestyles. And as public trust in the Supreme Court continues to plummet to record lows, Alito’s defiance of federal law and legitimate calls for recusal further damages the integrity of our nation’s highest Court.

Earlier this week, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse filed an ethics complaint against Justice Alito, urging Chief Justice Roberts to investigate Alito’s comments on Supreme Court ethics in the same Wall Street Journal interview. Chief Justice Roberts has the authority to establish ethics guidelines for his Court, but even after delayed releases of financial disclosures and growing ethics issues, he continues to blatantly ignore the corruption in his Court.

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