Earlier today, Axios reported on a newly released letter detailing Leonard Leo’s plan to withhold funding from conservative groups unless they adopt more aggressive tactics and “weaponize the conservative vision” in pursuit of his far-right ideological agenda.

In response to today’s news, Accountable.US President Caroline Ciccone issued the following statement:

Leonard Leo’s brazen call to 'weaponize' the conservative movement further exposes his strategy of using his dark money network to force his right-wing agenda on everyday Americans and stack the deck in favor of the powerful few. This direct call is a rare instance of Leo openly linking himself to the 85 Fund– the same group that has funneled millions into reshaping our courts and government to favor the wealthy and well-connected. Let’s be very clear: This isn't just about shaping conservative thought—it’s about weaponizing the very institutions that are set up to protect the rights of everyday Americans to serve the interests of right-wing special interests.”

Accountable.US President Caroline Ciccone

The letter was sent by the 85 Fund, a right-wing donor group that is a key node in Leonard Leo’s dark money network and one of several organizations reportedly under investigation by D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb. While the scope of Attorney General Schwalb’s investigation remains unclear, POLITICO previously reported that several Leo-linked organizations, including the 85 Fund, funneled millions in nonprofit funds to his for-profit firm, CRC Advisors, potentially violating federal tax law.

While Leo holds no formal role at the 85 Fund, which, on paper, is run by his close allies, the letter released by Axios today is signed by Leo—suggesting Leo’s role within the organization is more significant than what appears in the group’s tax filings.

It comes as no surprise that Leo, whose dark money network has dumped millions of dollars into groups affiliated with the extreme Project 2025 agenda, has plans to weaponize the conservative movement at the expense of everyday Americans.

The Axios report comes on the heels of Leonard Leo’s rare interview with The Financial Times where he spoke on his $1 billion campaign to reshape America’s legal, corporate, and cultural landscape and remake America in his far-right image. The article highlighted how Leo’s efforts extend beyond the judiciary and into the private sector, as he directs Marble Freedom Trust’s substantial resources to combat diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, and other progressive reforms across industries.

Learn more about Leonard Leo, his dangerous agenda, and his shady nonprofit network at MonitoringInfluence.org.


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