Major election denialism group admits in court 2000 Mules claims totally unfounded

WASHINGTON, DC – After years of peddling voter fraud conspiracies, True the Vote, a central group to the election denialism movement, has now debunked its own claims — undermining the entire movement and revealing it was built on a bed of lies.

The far-right extremist group admitted to a Georgia judge this week that it in fact has no evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing — lies which bolstered January 6th insurrectionists, congressional hearings, the documentary 2000 Mules, and more. With this news, voter fraud conspiracists should be forced to answer for their debunked allegations.

True the Vote has now explicitly said what we’ve always known to be true: the election denialism movement is built on telling lies to undermine our democracy for their own political gain."

Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone

“The members of Congress, conservative figures, and key funders at the center of this dangerous movement should be forced to answer for these debunked claims. What do they have to say now that the basis of their movement has been revealed as yet another big lie?” added Ciccone.

Among the many right-wing groups that endorsed, funded or elevated these now-debunked claims:

  • House MAGA Majority. Led by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), extremist members of Congress including Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Mary Miller (R-IL), and Lauren Boebert (R-CO), demanded a Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing on false election fraud conspiracies made in the far-right documentary “2000 Mules.”
  • Leonard Leo’s DonorsTrust. DonorsTrust, the right-wing “dark money ATM” and one of conservative kingpin Leonard Leo’s key groups, funneled over $600,000 into True the Vote.
  • The Bradley Foundation. Since 2012, the Bradley Foundation has spent roughly $18 million to fund voter suppression and spread disinformation undermining public confidence in elections. The Bradley Foundation has directly funded True the Vote and similar election denialism groups.
  • Capital Research Center. The far-right group’s extremist president, Scott Walter, appears in the election denialism ‘documentary’ “2000 Mules,” which is centered around these now-debunked election lies.

Accountable.US’s Monitoring Influence database connects the dots between the groups forming the election denialism movement. Learn more at


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