Press Releases
Trump Surrendering on COVID-19 Testing
With COVID-19 Cases on the Rise, Admin Moves to Stop Supporting Testing Sites Same Day PPP Applications Close
The news comes in direct contrast to a claim made yesterday by Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir that the administration “is not ending funding or support for #COVID19 testing sites.”
Meanwhile, as Accountable.US has documented on, COVID-19 tests are still not widely available for Americans despite them being a crucial measure needed to ensure a safe reopening of the economy. And testing disparities continue to fall starkly along racial lines, with communities of color receiving fewer testing resources and seeing higher rates of COVID-19 infection.
“Trump seems to think that if he stops paying attention to the pandemic, it will go away. It didn’t work when he tried that strategy in March, and with far more coronavirus cases and still no adequate national testing infrastructure, it certainly won’t work now,” said Kyle Herrig, president of Accountable.US. “Rather than work to protect the American people in the middle of this ongoing public health and economic crisis, Trump is opting to end federal support from communities nationwide. This will solve nothing and put the health and safety of even more Americans at risk.”
The administration previously tried to pull funds for mobile testing sites, but walked back its attempt following widespread backlash from communities across the nation desperate for support. Trump has suggested this support will end on June 30th — the same day the administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) application period is set to close after largely failing to offer support to the small businesses it was created to assist.