Accountable.US today released a new report, first covered in Politico, revealing that right-wing think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) — the key group behind the upcoming Supreme Court case Moore v. US — is driving the pending lawsuit to push its corporate funders’ anti-tax agenda.

Moore v. US, which is set to be heard by the Supreme Court on December 5th, threatens to deliver a major victory to multinational corporations and billionaires hoping to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Accountable.US’s new report reveals that the Competitive Enterprise Institute — the right-wing think tank that initiated the lawsuit — is heavily backed by corporate interests that could make billions from gutting the repatriation tax, is chaired by a corporate finance executive whose firm has multiple offshore interests, and its leadership is enmeshed in Leonard Leo’s billionaire-backed dark money network that would benefit from a favorable ruling by the high court. Read the full report here.

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