Press Releases
Rep. Boebert’s Attacks on Sage Grouse Protections, A Win for Husband’s Employer
WASHINGTON, DC – Earlier this week Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) went on a tirade against sage grouse, attacking the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) upcoming changes to sage grouse management in the United States. Unmentioned in her attack was the fact that Terra Energy Partners, a company with extensive operations in sage grouse country, has paid her husband nearly $1 million over two years.
Lauren Boebert would rather use her official position in Congress to go to bat for an energy company that has paid her husband nearly $1 million over the past two years, than to protect Colorado’s iconic public lands and habitats for future generations to enjoy with their families. Her behavior is the epitome of corruption.”
Kyle Herrig, president of government watchdog Accountable.US
Jayson Boebert works with Terra Energy Partners, which has “extensive” lease holdings in Garfield and Rio Blanco Counties in northwest Colorado, exactly where the BLM is looking to add sage grouse protections. Over two years the company has paid him nearly $1 million.
Of Terra Energy’s leases and wells in northwest Colorado, around 120 of them are located in between the towns of Parachute, Rangley, and Meeker. Terra Energy’s leases here surround priority sage grouse conservation areas and overlap with sage grouse habitats. Meaning more protections for sage grouse in northwest Colorado could hurt Terra’s bottom line.