A recent investigation by ProPublica and CBS News revealed that Texas is funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers, bankrolling an extreme far-right agenda with little oversight or accountability. In light of this, Project 2025’s plans threatening to dramatically expand similar programs at the federal level raise even more alarms.

This is a horrific preview of the draconian anti-abortion agenda that Project 2025 wants to force on everyday Americans. These extreme and unpopular anti-abortion measures will have far-reaching consequences and threaten reproductive health access across the country, even in states where abortion rights are protected."

Caroline Ciccone, Accountable.US president

As ProPublica and CBS News note, Texas’ funding of these anti-abortion centers has seen explosive growth, ballooning from a $5 million initiative in 2005 to $140 million today. Meanwhile, Project 2025—the conservative MAGA policy blueprint—has proposed similar anti-abortion programs at the federal level. 

The far-right initiative outlines several measures that would funnel even more funding to crisis pregnancy centers, including:

  • Encouraging Congress to pass legislation to strip Title X funding from entities that perform abortions or provide funding to other entities that perform abortions. 
  • Reinstating the Trump Administration’s gag rule that prohibited Title X grantees from referring clients to safe and legal abortion services or having co-located family planning and abortion services. 

Further, Project 2025 would enact several anti-abortion policies that would implicitly direct individuals to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers:

  • Rescinding FDA approval for medication abortion like the recently-challenged mifepristone.
  • Enforcing the antiquated Comstock Act to prohibit the mailing of abortion drugs.
  • Blocking abortion providers from receiving Medicaid funds for non-abortion procedures.
  • Explicitly advocating for increased federal support for “alternatives to abortion” – a direct reference to crisis pregnancy centers like those in Texas.

Accountable.US launched its Expose Project 2025 campaign to uncover the sprawling dark money network, key funders, and conservative figures behind the extreme Project 2025 effort threatening our democracy.

Learn more at ExposeProject2025.org.


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