Controversial former Trump administration official and author of Project 2025’s section on the Department of the Interior William Perry Pendley is calling for a massive sell-off of lands owned by all American taxpayers.

The people behind Project 2025 want to take control over our public lands and give it to the highest bidder. Only wealthy real estate developers and mining and oil and gas industries would benefit from the radical idea of selling off land that belongs to the American people. Project 2025 would destroy our public lands and gut our checks and balances.”

Accountable.US Executive Director Tony Carrk

The plan to sell off public lands is so unpopular that even some of the most extreme members of Congress refused to confirm Perry Pendley to run the Interior department’s Bureau of Land Management, the federal government’s largest land management agency, because of Pendley’s past advocacy for selling off public lands. 

Accountable.US previously documented the extensive influence corporate special interests exerted over Project 2025’s section on Interior that was put together by Perry Pendley. Learn more about the sprawling dark money network, key funders, and conservative figures behind the extreme Project 2025 effort threatening our democracy at


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