A new poll from Accountable.US and the Center for American Progress confirms that Americans see Project 2025 as an extreme plan to consolidate power in the presidency — akin to authoritarian governments abroad — and gut checks and balances to give extremists more control over everyday Americans’ lives and take away personal freedoms.

View the summary memo and slide deck.

When Americans learn more about Project 2025’s extreme agenda, they see it for exactly what it is: a power grab by extremists, big corporations, and special interest allies. Americans clearly don’t want these powerful interests to have total control over our lives, our rights, and our freedoms. Project 2025 is threatening to implement a right-wing agenda that is deeply unpopular with everyday Americans.”

Caroline Ciccone, Accountable.US president

Key findings from the poll:

  • Americans are most concerned with Project 2025’s plans to gut checks and balances and consolidate power within the executive branch, mimicking authoritarian governments.
  • Project 2025 policies are broadly unpopular. Nearly all Americans oppose Project 2025’s economic policies with the broadest impact on people like increasing taxes for middle class families and allowing employers to stop paying overtime. A significant majority of Americans oppose Project 2025’s plans for a national ban on abortion and IVF, restrictions on birth control and Plan B, and allowing the CDC to increase surveillance of abortion practices.
  • Americans believe that Project 2025 threatens to give extreme conservatives too much control over people’s lives.

For more information, view the summary memo and slide deck

Learn more about Accountable.US’s work to uncover the sprawling dark money network, key funders, and conservative figures behind Project 2025 at ExposeProject2025.org.


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