New reporting by The Guardian digs into recent congressional disclosures, revealing the latest in the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)’s efforts to promote its far-right agenda among the most extreme members of Congress and their staff. The disclosures detail luxurious events used to cement ties between the conservative party and their far-right agenda on issues like immigration, LGBTQ rights, vaccines, and election denialism.

The Conservative Partnership Institute is the MAGA headquarters down the street from the Capitol. It’s no surprise that their flagship events are a who’s who of extremists, election deniers, and conspiracy theorists. These revelations raise serious concerns about the undue influence of the well-funded “MAGA nerve center” in shaping far-right policy. If left unchecked, the Conservative Partnership Institute will continue to engage the most extreme right-wing policymakers to promote election misinformation and divisive, discriminatory policies.”

Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone

The Guardian highlights:

    • The Conservative Partnership Institute has hosted at least 21 events involving Republican senators, representatives, and senior Congressional staffers to advance its far-right agenda on issues like immigration, anti-LGBTQ policies, and dangerous election denialism.
    • Lavish retreats at Florida resorts for Freedom Caucus members and so-called “bootcamps” at CPI’s Maryland ranch, Camp Rydin, are just a few types of events CPI hosted for far-right members of Congress and their staff.

    • Speakers at CPI events included far-right fringe figures with histories of racism, antisemitism, and anti-immigrant beliefs.

    • CPI is “incubating” a network of affiliated far-right organizations like Stephen Miller’s America First LegalAmerican Accountability FoundationCenter for Renewing AmericaHeritage Foundation, Turning Point USA and America First Policy Institute at these events.

Previous reporting uncovered the Conservative Partnership Institute’s unusual nonprofit arrangement, prompting the watchdog group Campaign for Accountability to file an IRS complaint based on Accountable.US research. As the complaint states, it appears that “CPI indirectly engages in political campaign activity through a for-profit subsidiary that provides services to former President Donald Trump’s political campaign, as well as other Republican candidates, committees, and certain other partisan entities.” The new revelations detailed in The Guardian’s report sheds new light on this potential partisan political activity.

Accountable.US’s Monitoring Influence database connects the dots between the Conservative Partnership Institute and other groups making up the far-right dark money network. Learn more at


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