new Politico investigative report details how Supreme Court “billionaire matchmaker” Leonard Leo leverages his web of non-profit organizations to push his extreme agenda through the high court.

According to the Politico report, “Leo and his network are directly or indirectly connected to at least 70% of the 259 amicus briefs submitted on behalf of conservatives across seven of the most consequential recent [Supreme Court] cases.”

The report includes cases involving the abortion, LGBTQ rights, affirmative action, student loans, environmental protection, voting rights, and the fringe independent state legislature theory.

Leonard Leo has written the playbook on court corruption and dark money influence. He leverages his web of nonprofits, his cozy relationships with decision-makers, and his handpicked Supreme Court to push his extreme agenda because he knows it will never win at the ballot box."

Accountable.US President Caroline Ciccone

“Given the opaque nature of Leo’s network, it’s difficult to tally up just how much money has been spent on conservative legal advocacy linked to him,” Politico notes. “Yet just the two leading groups in his funding network, The Concord Fund and The 85 Fund, spent at least $21.5 million between 2011 and 2021 on groups advocating for conservative rulings.”

Learn more about Leonard Leo, his dark money network, and his radical agenda at

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