Yesterday, Ryan T. Anderson—president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a Project 2025 advisor group whose board includes Leonard Leo—published an essay detailing an aggressive strategy to leverage executive and state powers to restrict abortion access at the expense of Americans, who he acknowledges broadly support reproductive freedom.

The essay outlines a disturbing vision to manipulate executive authority and state legislation in order to pass stringent anti-choice laws and educational curricula. Anderson further advocates for the establishment of an NRA-like organization dedicated to enacting and enforcing anti-abortion laws across the United States.

Anderson’s right-wing screed outlines a dangerous and far-reaching agenda to manipulate the levers of power in America. It is a clear attempt by far-right extremists, backed by Leonard Leo, to subvert democratic norms and force their minority views on the majority. By infiltrating education, government, and the political process, they aim to reshape America in their own radical image. The public must recognize these efforts for what they are: a calculated plan to erode freedoms, manipulate power structures, and impose a far-right vision on our society."

Caroline Ciccone, President of Accountable US

Key highlights from the “The Way Forward After Dobbs” include:

  • A Call for Total Reversal: The essay argues vehemently for the complete dismantlement of all pro-choice policies enacted by the Biden-Harris administration. This includes reversing decisions that protect and enhance women’s reproductive health services and access to safe abortions, effectively stripping away rights that have been recognized and supported by a substantial majority of the populace.

  • Educational Manipulation: The essay proposes the implementation of an anti-choice educational curriculum in public schools. This measure aims to indoctrinate young Americans with one-sided views on reproductive rights, potentially influencing future generations’ understanding and stance on these critical personal and medical decisions.

  • Organizational Enforcement: Mimicking the organizational and tactical might of the NRA, the author calls for the creation of a robust entity dedicated to enforcing strict anti-choice legislation across the United States. This organization would lobby aggressively for anti-choice laws and ensure their strict application, aiming to create a unified, nationwide blockade against reproductive rights.


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