Press Releases
Donald Trump Demanding Senate Abdicate Constitutional Responsibility So That He Can Stack Cabinet with Unvetted Cronies

Washington, D.C. – This afternoon, President-Elect Donald Trump posted a demand that Senate Republicans abdicate their constitutional duty to advise and consent to presidential nominees. Such a move would allow the President-elect to put corrupt or extreme figures into his cabinet without public scrutiny .
In response, Accountable.US Executive Director Tony Carrk said, “President-Elect Trump is trying to gut our checks and balances and consolidate power by demanding Senate Republicans ignore their constitutional duty and install his nominees without public scrutiny.”
Carrk continued, “Senate Republicans need to go on the record whether they will acquiesce to Trump’s demands or stand up for the public’s right to know who will be making decisions over their lives. If President-Elect Trump doesn’t think his nominees can get confirmed with a Republican majority, that is all the more reason why we need transparency in the nomination process.”
In his first term, President Trump had at least 15 officials in his administration serving illegally, without having gone through the constitutionally required advice and consent process via Senate confirmation. During the 2024 campaign, further concerns were raised about Trump’s Project 2025 and the program’s goal of destroying checks and balances to reduce Constitutional safeguards on the President’s power.