WASHINGTON, DC – Accountable.US today released a new report, first covered in Politico, revealing that right-wing think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) — the key group behind the upcoming Supreme Court case Moore v. US — is driving the pending lawsuit to push its corporate funders’ anti-tax agenda. 

It’s no surprise that the key group driving the Supreme Court’s upcoming billionaire tax case is backed by interests that stand to make billions from a favorable ruling. Even worse, that’s after months of revelations exposing cozy relationships between Supreme Court justices and their own billionaire buddies. The Supreme Court has a billionaire problem. The last thing these justices should be ruling on is a case to shield billionaires and special interests from paying their fair share in taxes — brought to the court by an extremist group tied up with those same billionaires and special interests,” said Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone.

Moore v. US, which is set to be heard by the Supreme Court on December 5th, threatens to deliver a major victory to multinational corporations and billionaires hoping to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Accountable.US’s new report reveals that the Competitive Enterprise Institute — the right-wing think tank that initiated the lawsuit — is heavily backed by corporate interests that could make billions from gutting the repatriation tax, is chaired by a corporate finance executive whose firm has multiple offshore interests, and its leadership is enmeshed in Leonard Leo’s billionaire-backed dark money network that would benefit from a favorable ruling by the high court. Read the full report here.

The revelations follow months of serious ethics issues at the Supreme Court, sparking broad calls for conflicted justices’ recusals from key cases and causing public trust in the high court to sit at record lows.

Learn more about the web of right-wing groups like the Competitive Enterprise Institute working to undermine our democracy at MonitoringInfluence.org.

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