As ghost guns continue to flood American streets, a new report from Accountable.US exposes the blatant contradictions of 27 Republican state attorneys general who are urging the Supreme Court to strike down a federal rule regulating these dangerous, untraceable firearms, which are usually purchased online and assembled at home. This report comes in light of the upcoming Supreme Court case, Garland v. VanDerStok, which challenges the Biden administration’s efforts to crack down on ghost guns through tighter regulations.

Despite law enforcement professionals raising alarms about the rising use of ghost guns in violent crimes, including homicides and mass shootings, these state officials—many of whom claim to be “tough on crime”—are aligning themselves with the gun lobby to oppose measures that would help keep their own communities safe. Accountable’s report also sheds light on the financial ties between these attorneys general and the gun lobby, which has donated over $663,000 to the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) since 2021.

At a time when ghost guns are wreaking havoc in our country, it's shameful to see state leaders prioritizing the interests of corporations and the gun lobby over the safety of their constituents. Yet again, these Republican attorneys general and their allies are using the captured court to undermine efforts to stop the spread of untraceable weapons that law enforcement agencies say have contributed to high rates of gun-related homicides in recent years. Their opposition to common-sense regulations is not just hypocritical—it's a direct threat to public safety."

Caroline Ciccone, President of Accountable.US

Key findings from the report include:

  • 27 Republican Attorneys General Are Backing the Gun Lobby in Opposing Ghost Gun Regulation: Despite rising gun violence, attorneys general from states like Kentucky, Florida, and Texas are urging the Supreme Court to strike down a federal rule aimed at regulating ghost guns, untraceable firearms often used in violent crimes.
  • Ghost Guns Pose a Serious Threat to Public Safety: Ghost guns have become a tool for those seeking to bypass background checks and evade law enforcement. Between 2016 and 2021, the number of ghost guns recovered by law enforcement increased by over 1,000%, contributing to high rates of firearm-related homicides in recent years, according to law enforcement officials..
  • Law Enforcement Supports Federal Regulations on Ghost Guns: The Major Cities Chiefs Association, representing top police officials across the U.S. and Canada, filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to uphold the federal ghost gun regulation. The group emphasizes that ghost guns severely hinder efforts to combat violent crime, terrorism, and gun trafficking.
  • Financial Ties to the Gun Lobby: The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA), of which all of these attorneys general are members, has received over $663,000 in donations from the gun lobby since 2021. Just two months after a $15,000 donation from Smith & Wesson, nearly all Republican AGs joined a brief defending the gun manufacturer in a separate case before the Supreme Court this term.
  • Hypocrisy from Attorneys General Claiming to be “Tough on Crime”: Many of the attorneys general opposing the ghost gun rule have publicly touted their commitment to fighting violent crime, yet their actions, in this case, align them with the gun industry and against law enforcement recommendations aimed at reducing gun violence.

As the Supreme Court prepares to hear Garland v. VanDerStok, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Law enforcement, public safety advocates, and communities across the nation are calling for stronger regulations on ghost guns to curb their devastating impact. Yet, Republican attorneys general, backed by the gun lobby, are choosing to prioritize special interests over public safety. The Accountable.US report highlights the dangerous hypocrisy at play, revealing a coordinated effort to undermine common-sense gun control measures at a time when they are desperately needed.



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