Tomorrow, Republicans on the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability are holding another sham hearing featuring four leaders with notable ties to the far-right Project 2025. These witnesses have been key figures in standing up and operationalizing Project 2025, the extreme and unpopular agenda that would undermine democracy, gut checks and balances, and exert more control over and strip fundamental freedoms from Americans.

Although it is not surprising that MAGA House Republicans are yet again tapping their pals from Project 2025 for another sham hearing, it does serve as a reminder of the shameless collaboration between Project 2025 and Republicans’ agenda. Both Project 2025 and Republicans share an agenda to benefit far-right and wealthy special interests.”

Caroline Ciccone, President of Accountable.US

Tomorrow’s witnesses will include:

  • Brendan Carr, a commissioner at the Federal Communications Communication (FCC), who authored Project 2025’s manifesto for the FCC. His policy proposals align with conservative talking points about the so-called censoring of conservatives by social media platforms. His involvement has been criticized by members of Congress as a potential violation of the Hatch Act and other ethics rules.

  • Mark Krikorian, Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group and Project 2025 Advisory Board member. Six CIS staff members – at least two of whom have made extreme and even racist comments – were contributors to Project 2025.

  • Mandy Gunasekera, author of Project 2025’s policy proposals for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in which she proposes cutting its “environmental justice and public engagement functions,” shrinking the agency, and accuses EPA staff of “quietly” strangling domestic energy production. When she served as an advisor in the Trump White House, Gunasekara pushed for the U.S. to leave the Paris Climate Accords and played a key role in rolling back federal pollution and emissions rules.

  • Meaghan Mobbs, the director of the Center for American Safety and Security at the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), a group which is on Project 2025’s advisory board. Additionally, three of Project 2025’s contributors and two authors are affiliated with IWF. The group allied with anti-abortion forces is among the organizations in Project 2025’s coalition that Leonard Leo’s dark money network has cumulatively funneled $62.1 million to.

Accountable.US launched its Expose Project 2025 campaign to uncover the sprawling dark money network and extreme figures behind Project 2025 effort threatening our democracy. Learn more at


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