Press Releases, Supreme Court
Conservative Group Americans for Prosperity Admits Trump, Republican Tax Plan Could Raise Costs for American Families

WASHINGTON, DC — A newly leaked document from Americans for Prosperity set the scene for the 2025 tax fight: Far-right lobbyists and billionaire donors are pushing to extend a tax code that could increase costs for everyday Americans while benefiting only the wealthy and corporations. Per new reporting from The Guardian, the Koch-backed advocacy organization is committing millions in the fight to help the wealthy avoid paying their fair share.
In their own internal documents, the lobbyists at Americans for Prosperity shamelessly admit the truth: they’re fighting for a tax code designed to help the ultra-rich and corporations while increasing everyday costs for the American people. Under Republican control, Washington is poised to serve their billionaire donors and corporations while middle-class families bear the burden."
Accountable.US Executive Director Tony Carrk.
- In a break from current conservative thinking, Americans for Prosperity admits tariffs would increase costs on consumers and will oppose what they called “tariff poison pill[s]” within the burgeoning tax legislation.
- Americans for Prosperity wants corporations to pay even less in taxes by advocating for a further reduction of the corporate tax rate, which was decreased from 35% to 21% under the Trump Tax scam.
- Americans for Prosperity also claimed that because of the tax giveaways to corporations in 2017, corporate tax revenue ballooned by billions as a result, while we now know that their shareholders and CEOs largely benefited most. For example, the Kochs potentially saved more than $1 billion each year under the Trump tax scam.
- While Americans for Prosperity claim to have “grassroots” supporters clamoring for more tax giveaways for millionaires and corporations, they likely use astro-turfing tactics, paying over $3.3 million to “Canvass America LLC” in 2023.
- Americans for Prosperity admitted it would “support aligned litigation” against federal agencies as needed—a likely continuation of the practice of judge shopping used by industry during the Biden administration.
- Americans for Prosperity vows not only to spend millions but to also engage in one of its most aggressive influence and lobbying campaigns on the Hill this year.