Press Releases
Watchdog: These Supposedly Pro-Equality Corporations Gave $1.3M to Senators Opposed to Respect for Marriage Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Over the objections of the majority of Senate Republicans, the bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act heads to the U.S. House for final passage, bringing LGBTQ and interracial couples one step closer to codifying the equal protections under federal law that they deserve — protections called into question by the right-tilted Supreme Court under its profoundly harmful, anti-woman Dobbs decision. Today, 36 Senate Republicans tried unsuccessfully to keep the federal government from recognizing a marriage between two individuals if the marriage was valid in the state where it was performed — and said ‘no’ to a guarantee that marriages between two individuals be recognized regardless of the couple’s sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin. Yet these Senators have enjoyed sizable campaign contributions from corporations that claim to be allies in the fight for marriage equality, a new analysis from government watchdog Accountable.US found.
Accountable.US found that during the 2022 election cycle, major companies that have publicly supported the LGBTQ community have also contributed $1.3 Million to Senate opponents of the Respect for Marriage Act.
Corporations that bankroll politicians determined to keep LGBTQ and interracial couples in the shadows can’t honestly claim to be allies for marriage equality – but that hasn’t stopped companies like Comcast or Microsoft from trying. Companies may go to great lengths to assure their customers and shareholders they value policies that recognize love is love, but it means nothing when they reward bigots in Congress who actually decide whether or not we return to the dark ages. Corporations that don’t align their political spending with their stated values on equality are playing a risky game with their brand and reputation – a risk that doesn’t seem worth being in the good graces of anti-equality extremists in Congress.”