Press Releases
Watchdog Group to Senate Leadership: Don’t Let Big Pharma Influence Prevent Government From Negotiating Lower Drug Prices
WASHINGTON, D.C. – With reports that Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is hoping to meet with Speaker Pelosi to begin negotiations over drug pricing legislation, Patients Over Pharma released the following statement.
“Senator Grassley may be focused on the politics of prescription drug legislation, but as he prepares to meet with Speaker Pelosi he needs to understand that people across the country are demanding legislation that actually tackles this issue, not simply more political rhetoric,” said Eli Zupnick, spokesman for Patients Over Pharma.“Patients across the country overwhelmingly want the federal government to finally be allowed to negotiate drug prices and stop Big Pharma from gouging patients and taxpayers. That is what the House-passed Lower Drug Costs Now Act does, and Senate leaders should stop playing politics and join with the House to get that strong legislation signed into law.”
Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (October 2019): Nearly nine in ten Americans favor allowing the federal government to negotiate with drug companies to get a lower price on medications for people on Medicare (88%). A similar proportion favor allowing the federal government to negotiate prices with drug companies that would apply to both Medicare and private insurance (85%).