Press Releases
Watchdog Group Calls for FDA to Prioritize Public Health, Resist Inappropriate Pressure
Report: “White House pressures FDA on unproven Japanese drug”
Report: “Rudy Giuliani wants FDA to fast-track a stem cell therapy for Covid-19; critics see political meddling”
Flashback: “FDA authorizes widespread use of unproven drugs…” following pressure from Trump.
“Especially now, as the Trump Administration’s disastrous bungling and downplaying of COVID-19 has put millions of Americans at risk, FDA decisions must be guided by science and done in the best interests of patients, not inappropriate pressure or pharmaceutical industry profits,” said Eli Zupnick, spokesman for Patients Over Pharma.
“Commissioner Hahn has so far been unwilling or unable to resist inappropriate pressure from President Trump or stop the pharmaceutical industry from gaming the system on potential coronavirus treatments – and he needs to reverse course and commit to putting patients and public health first.”