Press Releases
Self-Proclaimed Pro-Climate Corporations Gave Thousands to Manchin and Sinema During Q3
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Senator Joe Manchin leads the charge against the bold and necessary climate provisions in President Biden’s Build Back Better Act and Senator Kyrsten Sinema continues to withhold her support for the plan, government watchdog Accountable.US released a new analysis revealing corporations that donated to Manchin and Sinema in the third quarter of 2021 despite their publicly stated commitments in support of climate action.
“As if it wasn’t enough that wealthy polluters have bankrolled Senator Manchin during his fight against commonsense climate solutions — now companies that claim to value protecting the environment have opened their pocketbooks as well,” said Kyle Herrig, president of Accountable.US. “Manchin and Sinema are standing in the way of the nation’s largest climate bill ever. If corporations are serious about their stated commitments to protecting the climate, now is the time to put their money where their mouths are.”
The findings come as negotiations over the reconciliation bill’s climate provisions are in the spotlight. They also follow recent findings from the watchdog that Manchin had taken $1.5 million and Sinema had accepted over $920,000 total throughout their careers from anti-Build Back Better agenda corporate interests as of September 2021.
In addition, Accountable.US found that Manchin and Sinema benefited from $170,000 in campaign contributions from known corporate tax dodgers who have used elaborate tax schemes to avoid paying billions in U.S. taxes.
- AbbVie has bragged about its “ambitious, long-term environmental, and sustainability targets for absolute reductions to carbon emissions, water and waste generation, striving for zero waste to landfill at our sites.” But in addition to giving money to Manchin and Sinema in Q3, the company is a member of the Business Roundtable and PhRMA, two major trade groups campaigning against the reconciliation bill.
- Astellas set out to reach the 2 degrees Celsius target of The Paris Climate Agreement, yet the company is a part of PhRMA, which has been campaigning against the Build Back Better plan and the company donated $3,000 to Senator Sinema in Q3 of 2021.
- AT&T, which claimed it is dedicated to “environmental stewardship,” is a part of The RATE Coalition, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Business Roundtable — all of which are fighting against the Build Back Better plan — and donated $2,000 to Sinema in Q3 of 2021.
- AT&T faced widespread backlash this summer for its donations to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other Texas lawmakers leading the efforts to disenfranchise voters — especially people of color and people with disabilities — in the state.
- AT&T faced widespread backlash this summer for its donations to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other Texas lawmakers leading the efforts to disenfranchise voters — especially people of color and people with disabilities — in the state.
- Amazon pledged a commitment to net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. But in addition to giving $5,000 to Sinema in Q3 of 2021, the company is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and its CEO belongs to The Business Roundtable — both of which are fighting against the Build Back Better agenda.
- Toyota’s “Environmental Challenge 2050” initiative seeks to nearly eliminate carbon emissions from its vehicles, dealers, and operations and to “operate in harmony with nature.” But nonetheless, the company is also a member of The RATE Coalition — a major Build Back Better opponent — and donated to Manchin in the past quarter.
- Notably, Toyota came under fire earlier this year for resuming donations to lawmakers who voted against certifying the results of the 2020 Election after announcing that it would pause its donations following the deadly Capitol insurrection.
Read the group’s full analysis here.
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