WASHINGTON, DC —  New reporting revealed today that during House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington’s presentation this week, the mere mention of raising the corporate tax rate sent the House Republican caucus into “a frenzy.” Instead, it appears they are only interested in cutting programs that will harm working-class Americans.

No one should be surprised that the incoming Trump administration and Republican-controlled Congress wouldn’t even consider having big corporate interests, the very same donating to their campaigns and gouging consumers, pay their fair share. When the rubber meets the road, all of this talk of looking out for working class Americans meant raising their costs by going after critical services they rely on like Medicaid. With this new Congress and new administration, big corporations are the clear winners while the rest of us get screwed.”

Accountable.US Executive Director Tony Carrk

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a scathing report revealing that President-elect Trump and his Congressional allies’ push to renew expiring provisions of the 2017 tax giveaway would undercut economic growth in the years to come. The report affirms analysis from government watchdog Accountable.US that the 2017 tax bill was largely a giveaway to billionaires and multinational corporations.

As a part of its “End Corporate Tax Giveaways” campaign, Accountable.US is tracking the corporate lobbyists, lawyers, executives, organizations, and lawmakers behind efforts to help the wealthy avoid paying their fair share. A recent report found the 15 largest corporate beneficiaries of the Trump tax law used their savings to collectively spend $839 billion on stock buybacks and shareholder dividends in the years following the law’s passage.



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