Accountable.US Statement on Chief Justice Roberts’ Refusal to Clean Up His Court

Today, Chief Justice Roberts refused a meeting request from Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin and Chair of the Federal Courts Subcommittee Sheldon Whitehouse following Justice Alito’s egregious ethics violations. In response, Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone issued the following statement:
Over the last year, Chief Justice Roberts has enabled his Court to be engulfed in a corruption crisis of its own making. He has sat back and watched while Justices trampled over ethics standards, billionaires spoiled their buddies on the Court, and influence-peddlers like Leonard Leo facilitated it all. Roberts has wholly failed to meet the moment — and today’s unacceptable response is just the latest example. As Chief Justice, Roberts is responsible for maintaining the integrity of our nation’s highest court, but he hasn’t shown the courage — instead dodging all responsibility while public trust sits at record lows. It’s far past time for the Chief Justice to clean up his Court.”