Today, government watchdog Accountable.US endorsed the High Court Gift Ban Act, a major bill that would cap the value of gifts Justices are allowed to receive, bringing the Justices in line with the rules that govern Members of Congress, and would cap gifts of personal hospitality, which are currently unregulated. Representatives Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) introduced the legislation in the House today with several original co-sponsors.

While the Supreme Court’s corruption crisis continues to grow, the High Court Gift Ban Act offers a common-sense solution by asking that Justices be held to the same gift rules as sitting members of Congress. This is a no-brainer bill that everyone who believes in ethics and accountability should support. We’re proud to endorse this important piece of legislation, introduced by Rep. Raskin and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and other original cosponsors, to restore some integrity and legitimacy to our nation’s highest court.”

Accountable.US president Caroline Ciccone

Following a ProPublica report detailing Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito’s luxury travel and perks worth tens of thousands of dollars from their wealthy pals, the High Court Gift Ban Act would close the giant loophole allowing these shocking ethical transgressions. As the Supreme Court corruption crisis continues to grow, this new legislation aims to bring the Justices under the same ethical standards that govern other high-ranking public servants.

Accountable.US previously endorsed the Supreme Court Offices of Ethics and Investigations Act, as well as the Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act and the Supreme Court Biennial Appointments and Term Limits Act (TERM Act). Similarly, Accountable.US endorsed the Supreme Court Ethics Recusal and Transparency Act (SCERT Act).


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