United for Democracy coalition kicks off $1 million ad campaign, multi-state initiative to raise awareness about Court’s impact on Americans’ lives and freedoms 

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Accountable.US joined with a coalition of more than 100 partner organizations to launch United for Democracy (UFD), a new nationwide campaign to educate Americans about the impact today’s Supreme Court is having on their lives, freedoms, and democracy. The coalition will harness growing outrage at extreme justices to mobilize the American people, advocates, experts, and political leaders and demand that Congress rein in the Court.

The growing Supreme Court corruption crisis has highlighted how fundamentally broken our Court is and how urgently it needs reform. With United for Democracy, Accountable.US is proud to join forces with key partners to shine a light on the corrupt Court and demand that it stop putting special interests over everyday Americans."

Accountable.US president Kyle Herrig

The new coalition is launching with an initial $1 million ad campaign and plans to invest more over the coming months to get its message out, educate the public, and build pressure on Congress to act in Arizona, Montana, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. With much of the country turning its attention to these states, the coalition will tap into the power that attention has to shape the narrative on the Supreme Court for long-term fights. UFD will work with organizers and communities on the ground who are hurting and ready to fight back against the harm of the captured Court — all so the American people have extreme justices top of mind when making their voices heard.

Featuring a faith leader, teacher, gun owner, and parent, the ads will show the immediate and far-reaching consequences of the Supreme Court’s decisions — from making it harder for Americans to vote, to taking away reproductive choice, to enabling big money to dominate our elections, to siding with big polluters over our environment, to stripping us of the freedom to live safe from gun violence, to threatening decades of progress in equitable education.

The campaign launch follows Accountable.US’s repeated calls for action in the aftermath of the unprecedented ethics issues undermining the integrity of our nation’s highest Court.



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