Press Releases
Accountable.US Calls Out Leonard Leo’s Hypocrisy on Supreme Court Reforms

In a recent interview with Fox News, Leonard Leo, a key architect of conservative judicial strategy, warned against efforts by the Biden-Harris administration to reform the Supreme Court. Leo, known for helping stack the courts with ideological judges and playing billionaire matchmaker for Supreme Court Justices, suggested these positive reforms could “politicize” the institution he has used to facilitate his influence-peddling.
Leo’s remarks reflect his ongoing efforts to preserve a judiciary that favors special interests and fringe ideologies. These comments are consistent with his long-standing strategy of maintaining an unbalanced court that undermines the public interest.
Leonard Leo’s sudden concern for the Court’s integrity is ironic, given his extensive efforts to stack the judiciary with ideologically aligned judges through his dark money network. His attempts to frame necessary reforms as dangerous ignores the reality of a Court increasingly seen as biased and out of touch with the American public. Leo has been at the forefront of promoting a judiciary that serves special interests and the wealthy elite. These reforms are about restoring balance, transparency, and accountability to ensure that the Supreme Court serves everyone fairly, not just a privileged few. The hypocrisy of advocating against reforms while benefiting from a biased system is apparent and unacceptable.”
Accountable.US President Caroline Ciccone
Leonard Leo has been a pivotal figure in the conservative legal movement, using his influence to secure a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. He has been instrumental in pushing for the appointment of justices who align with right-wing ideologies, often supported by substantial funding from dark money networks. This influence has led to decisions favoring corporate interests and undermining protections for marginalized groups. Leo’s network, including groups like the Judicial Crisis Network, has invested millions to shape the judiciary, opposing any reforms that could introduce more accountability or limit the power of these appointed justices. Learn more about Leo’s extremist agenda and the campaign at
Accountable.US has consistently advocated for reforms that enhance transparency and accountability within the judiciary and has continually sounded the alarm on Leo’s decades of judicial influence peddling.